For Employees


Serving those in need expresses a deep commitment to social justice and a radical giving of oneself to others, which exemplify core ideals of Ignatian spirituality. More so, by completing acts of service with others and our students, we become a community of faith as – together – we bear witness to the Gospel message. “[C]olleges and universities gather teachers and students together in a community of shared values and common dedication to the pursuit of truth.” (Empowered by the Spirit: Campus Ministry Faces the Future, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1985.)

Faculty and staff are welcome to collaborate on these service experiences:

  • Domestic & International Service Trip Chaperone
    • Faculty and staff members serve in a vital role as a chaperone on service trips. In their role as mentors,
      the chaperones deliberately and intentionally act as teachers, sponsors, and counselors – supporting
      students’ commitment to faith in their service. Mentors can shape the students’ transition into
      adulthood and model faith and spirituality.
      Employees of the University are encouraged to attend information sessions to learn about expectations of service trip chaperones, as well as trip locations, types of service activities,
      accommodations, and other information. Types of services can include:
      • Serving in soup kitchens & food pantries
      • Disaster relief
      • Tutoring/mentoring children
      • Refugee assistance
      • Working with persons with disabilities and former gang members
  • End-of-the-Year Drive Volunteer
    • Items that students would normally discard at the end of the academic year are collected during the
      month of May for our annual End-of-the-Year Drive, which are then donated to agencies serving the
    • A limited number of faculty and staff volunteers needed to sort items for distribution to the agencies. Contact Patricia Vaccaro for more information.
  • Thanksgiving Feed-A-Family Program & Donations
    • Students, staff and faculty will be needed to help package and distribute Thanksgiving meals to over 200 families at Valley View Terrace low-income housing development in Scranton. This compassion and selflessness reflects our Jesuit mission of “service of faith and the promotion of justice.” Contact Patricia Vaccaro for more information.
  • Adopt a Family  & Giving Tree Christmas programs
  • The Scranton Refugee Friendship Network
    • Faculty and staff members have the opportunity to pair with refugee families to accompany and
      advocate for them with the goal of empowering refugees to transition to a new life in our region. Over
      a four-month period, in collaboration with Catholic Social Services of the Diocese of Scranton,
      volunteers will serve as a resource, friend, and advocate for local refugees. Activities might include
      inviting refugees to University and community social events, helping them navigate COLTS bus
      transportation, serving as a conversation partner, helping them to read documents, accompanying
      them to appointments.
Click here for Mission and Community Service Leave Information and forms.
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